Its a new life and a new beginning...
A few weeks ago, I hadn't even imagined in the slightest that I could ever possibly so happy. This unexpected yet highly welcome turn of events has left me reeling in shock - good, positive shock, mind you!
We never know what Providence plans or has in store for us. But when you do receive the present, it is most unexpected and blows your mind away.
Why all this philosophy, all of a sudden, you ask? Well, that is because, Providence has placed me in one such state. My happiness knows no boundaries and my heart overflows with feverish excitement..
With the blessings of parents, I am ready to step into a different dimension of life. Its a whole new experience and believe me, am I scared. Letting a stranger into your life, and sharing your private, intimate moments with him, will take a lot of strength and courage from my side. It is for this strength and wisdom that I pray to the Almighty.
Here I am, rambling on and on with no mention whatsoever of my man! Wow!!! Feels so good to actually say those words.. Its funny how two people can belong to each other in such a short time.
You may ask me, what really made me fall for him? After all, we had a traditional meeting in the temple with our parents present ! The answer to your question would be, the confidence that he gave me! The belief that we two would be okay and he would be there to take care of me for the rest of my life.. And trust is not something that comes by easily these days and i prize it above many other things.
So here we are starting our life on trust.
I wish, he would answer the same question for me. What did he really find so interesting in me that made him to say yes? Maybe this would be a discussion for a later date or occasion.. Lets wait for his answer. . .
Really on seventh heaven right now. Trying to understand the subtle changes that this new relationship is bringing about and most of all, trying to open out my whole heart to him